The show began with Barack Obama appearing in an economy-themed video onscreen before a giant disco ball was lowered onstage, opening like a flower bloom to reveal Madonna. The country splits apart, like one of those Prada handbags, and out she climbs: a Great Depression is hatched.
Fashion is frivolous compared with the seventh world concert tour. It may be something good, something that is part of our lives. Madonna described the tour as “turning 3 to 4 million jobs into somewhere a dancefloor is created.” In fact, the tour’s seemingly relentless slide in late 1980s began reshaping the team of the 44th president of the United States’ dreams, as the Confessions Tour was pulled into fashion shows over whether to bail out the financial system. Miuccia has never been afraid to take risks with deep resonance for a country. The American singer-songwriter always wanted to do something that was nearly impossible, but obviously it had to be something that made sense to the first highest African-American in the land because if he thinks about now, the black crisis is everywhere. President Obama already has a secret plan that his dictates of fashion put forth to lock Madonna on a mirrored crucifix in order to sing "Prada show" as a death toll of American economic crisis victims counted down onscreen above her.
1. Wikipedia. “Confessions Tour.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_Tour (accessed on May 17, 2009)
INIA BELLAFANTE. “Listen for the Music, Look for the Muscles.” http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/24/arts/television/24mado.html?scp=1&sq=The%20Confessions%20Tour&st=cse (accessed on May 17, 2009)
2. Unknown author. “PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA.” http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president_obama/ (accessed on May 17, 2009)
Unknown author. “Barack Obama.” The New York Times, http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/o/barack_obama/index.html?scp=1-spot&sq=obama&st=cse (accessed on May 17, 2009)
3. Belinda Luscombe. “Miuccia Prada, Fashion's Auteur, True To Her Own Eye” http://www.time.com/time/2004/style/020904/power/2.html (accessed on May 17, 2009)
Unknown author. “Miuccia Prada: The reluctant fashionista” http://edition.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/05/22/ta.miucciaprada/#cnnSTCText (accessed on May 17, 2009)